Transformation digitale

A mining company in New Caledonia (Pacific Ocean) becomes completely independent by separating from its Brazilian parent company. The Information System must be made autonomous and meet local needs.
Objectives : As part of the company’s empowerment project, the client’s Director of Digital Transformation mandated X-PM to lead the local deployment of an ERP covering all the company’s functions with the following objectives: Carry out in less than a year the local duplication of the existing ERP with data recovery and without interruption of service to the business lines + Upgrade the existing obsolete ERP to be up to date with the software vendor + Ensure the transfer of skills to local teams to ensure the sustainability of ERP operations
To achieve these objectives, X-PM put in place – via its Wil Group partner X-PM Singapore – an Australian Transition Manager to build a migration plan and carry out all its steps.
- In a first step, during the Covid pandemic and remotely from Australia the Transition Manager became aware of the existing ERP setup and established her contacts with the teams in New Caledonia, the parent company in Brazil and Canada as well as with the consultants selected for the technical tasks of the project in Australia. A detailed action plan was established with all stakeholders and the client.
- In a second step, the Transition Manager took charge of the proper execution of the plan with the business and technical resources dedicated to the project. All phases of preparation, data cleaning and migration were completed in less than 9 months.
- The last step, following the go-live of the new ERP was to ensure the skills development of local teams and to plan the future stages of the company’s digital transformation.

The mission was successfully conducted in less than one year. At the end of the mission, the X-PM transition manager was recruited by the client as head of business applications.